Are android apps safe?

Whenever you install an app in an android device, the app installer asks for permissions, take a deep look there, even if it is by no means related to your contacts, it asks permission for contacts, files storage, data, messages, phone calls,location😑

An online magazine revealed the fact that google has wifi password of every android devuce thats connected to internet! With some deep controversies running with facebook for selling the privacy to third party companies, its not hidden that you are completely accesible to them! UC browser was nearly banned and was about to get remove from the play store for selling users privacy!! A tech news revelad how easy it could be for a server to read all your datas, messages and phone callsn\ and when you give the app its permission(of which you have no choice) .

The only company so far remaining strict in terms of privacy policy is Apple. (They denied even FBI, for revealing user data due to privacy issue, source: magazine,2018) Needless to say, google and its sub brands are taking over the privacy of its users as their rights, With the increasing value of privacy protection when even a small data leak means a lot, The market led by google and facebook is using it as a source of $$ and audience manipulation!!😑😑

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