Paypal does not work in Nepal. Consequences

A serious issue which has not yet been noticed: 😑 People talk about advancement in technology and digital marketing, removing unemployment problems through ICT but what one never noticed is that: Nepal has barely any means of receiving or making foreign transactions. Except payoneer and its tedious process of verifying and receiving a mastercard which futher has limitations for sending and receiving issues, whose office(a week before I checked on google map says: has been perm anently closed in Nepal!!). Payoneer isnt that famous means of transaction as well!. Paypal has completely abandoned to choose thw type of account(business or personal) and it doesnt show anything if you have made it in Nepal. Last time I tried to make a transaction from an online company they mailed me that I was having issues with paypal account and due to some reasons I could not receive them 😑 Youtube doesnt support Partner Policy if you are from Nepal. You wont be able to monetise channel ...